Stamping Is My Business!   November, 2004 Newsletter


 The Stamping Professional's Source 

for Business-Building Information, Products & Services!

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Hello one and all,

Now that Halloween is over and there's a bit of a chill in the air for most of us, it's time to really start thinking about the holidays and the New Year!  You should pretty much have your November and December schedules set, AND be booking for January and February.  Don't forget to talk to your customers and hostesses about joining your company.  It's a great time of year for recruiting!  Finally, you may want to start thinking about your goals for 2005.


If I can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me.


I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter.


Warmest regards and much success,



John Sanpietro

Personal & Professional Development Coach


In this issue

The Power of Making Choices


As the year draws to a close, many of you are beginning to think about making some changes in your personal and professional lives.  Some of you, though, may feel trapped.  You'd like to make changes, but feel like the decision is out of your hands.  You feel as if they don’t have a choice.

The truth is, you always have a choice.  Even when you don’t feel like you do.  To that end, I give you:

Six Reasons You DO Have A Choice

1. Choosing 'not to decide' is a choice.

2. If you're not making your choices, then who is?
It's time to find out and identify who or what forces and voices you are listening to instead of your own and take back control. It is perplexing that sometimes the people who are "controlling" us and making our choices us are not even part of our lives anymore.

3. There are no wrong choices, only different ones.
If you don't like where you are right now, choose something else.

4. Whether you choose or let the choice be made for you, something is going to happen.
Why not take control and go in the direction you want?

5. Making deliberate choices over time increases your ability to consistently make choices that are more aligned with what you want. 

The first time you take back some of the power and make your own choice is always difficult, but it gets easier each time.

6. When you start making your own choices it changes who you are in a positive way and might even rub off on the significant others around you.


Two New Live Presentations Available!

Live Presentations

As the calendar continues to fill up for live appearances in 2005, I'm happy to announce two new presentations which are available.  I'm making these known to my subscribers first.  More information will be posted on the website next week.  The two new presentations are:


 - What Are YOU Afraid Of!? - This is the live version of our first CD.  We cover the top 20 fears, concerns and objections you may have or hear about starting and running your stamping business...and why they're wrong.  


 - Spouses' Sitdown - I've been asked to speak with so many negative, skeptical and angry spouses (read: husbands) of demos and consultants that I'm now offering to do presentations to groups of them about the stamping business.  The informal dialogue covers what your stamping business is, what it isn't and what the true benefits are.  I also encourage them to say what's on their mind so that we can address what's not being said!  This presentation is for spouses ONLY!  Demos are not allowed to be present. 


Of course, I'm still presenting the 'Five Steps to a Successful Home-based Stamping Business' and 'Advanced Marketing and Recruiting Workshop,' as well. 


If you're in charge of planning events for your downline or group, we'd love to speak with you about coming out to present at your event.  Please call 201-653-6482 for more information.



One-on-One Coaching Available in January 

Dare to Dream...Get A Coach!Beginning in January, 2005, I'll be expanding my Coaching services to include One-on-One Coaching.


One-on-One clients will meet privately with me every week, by phone, four times per month.


One-on-One Coaching is for those stamping professionals who are committed to doing what it takes to see rapid results and dramatic growth.  


Of course, I will continue to do Group Coaching, as well.  


If you think you're ready to step up to One-on-One Coaching, please call me at 201-653-6482.  We'll set up a complimentary consultation, I'll provide you with more information and ask you some questions to help you decide.


Book of the Month


The 8th HabitThe 8th Habit - 

From Effectiveness to Greatness

by Stephen R. Covey

15 years ago, Covey's '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' changed the landscape of corporate and personal culture.  

Now, he returns with 'The 8th  Habit' - finding your voice and inspiring others to find theirs.

How does this apply to your stamping business?  I believe recruiting and training your downline is all about inspiring other people to find their voice.  As an upline, you help them gain experience, confidence and achieve success.

This could be the book that redefines the landscape.

Select here for more information from 

Remember Our Veterans

Please take a moment on Thursday, November 11th to honor our veterans.  No matter how you feel about war or government, the men and women who served and serve our country do so with courage, honor and dignity.  Please let them know you appreciate it.  

New Feature

What Do 

I Do


This month, we're starting a new column called 'What Do I Do If...?'  

Each month, we'll examine a certain situation that may occur in your business and suggest a way to address it.  

This month:

Q: What do I do if a prospect says she doesn't have time to start a stamping business?

A: This is one of the more common answers you hear when recruiting for your stamping business.  Like most excuses, this one is usually rooted in a lack of knowledge about the business.  More often than not, people think of this as a traditional business model where you have to dedicate hours and hours to make it work.  The truth is, this business is not like that.  It's actually one that accommodates your schedule, rather than you having to change your schedule to accommodate it.  AND you really can run a successful business in just a few hours per week (and how many businesses can you say that about?).

So, ask your prospect, "How many hours do you think you have to spend on this?"  If the answer is more than a few, educate them as to the truth.  You may just get them to sign up!

If you'd like to see your question or situation answered in a future newsletter, please e-mail it to me. 



My book arrived yesterday.  Thank you.  I read a couple of pages.  It's great.  It feels like you're talking to me.

- TS, Calgary, Alberta

Thank you so much for your presentation on Saturday.  As a hobbyist, I didn't think I would be interested in hearing what you had to say.  Boy, was I wrong!  Your gave me so many good ideas!  If I just use one or two of them, I'll be able to purchase even more stamps!  :-)

- SD, Illinois 


Quick Links...

Order the Electronic Version of "Stamping Is My Business!"

Order the Printed Version of "Stamping Is My Business!"

Order the CD - "What Are YOU Afraid Of!?"

Join the Stamping Business Coaching Group

Find out how to book John to speak live to YOUR group

Sign up for an e-mail address

Order the "Stamping Is My Business!" Tote Bag

Stamping Is My Business! Homepage

E-mail Me


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If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.  As always, please pass this newsletter on to anyone you feel might benefit from it, especially if they have an AOL address (since they're probably not receiving theirs!).

     voice: 201-653-6482

Address: 69 Carlton Avenue, 2nd Floor, Jersey City, NJ 07306
