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Stamping Is My Business!  


 The Stamping Professional's Source 

for Business-Building Information, Products & Services!

. . . . . . . . .

If you can't read this, select here.

Hello one and all,

The holiday season is upon us.  You only have a little while longer to wrap things up for December and January bookings, as well as any recruiting you'd like to do before the end of the year.  Take advantage before your window of opportunity closes!  I've listed some specifics below.

I'm very excited to announce the new SIMB Study Group, a low-cost, low-commitment Coaching model!  It's a year's worth of Coaching, and regular discussions about your business for a very reasonable price.  You can read more below.

Also, as most of you know, the SIMB Holiday Catalog is online.  You'll receive 10% off any order of $25 or more if you place your order before the deadline.  More information is below.

Finally, as always, if I can ever be of assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Warmest regards,


John Sanpietro

Personal & Professional Development Coach


In this issue



The SIMB Study Group!


Over the past year, I've met many of the following people:

- People who don't have the time to commit to weekly or bi-weekly Coaching, and are looking for a less frequent option

- People who are unable or unwilling to afford Coaching and are looking for some type of less expensive accountability and assistance

- People who bought the book, 'Stamping Is My Business!', started or completed the Business Plan, and then put it down.  They would like to begin using the book and the Business Plan again

For those people...and maybe for you...I'm happy to announce the formation of The Stamping Is My Business STUDY GROUP!

The Study Group will meet via conference call once per month, for one hour.  

Each month, we will discuss one or two chapters of the book and go into much greater depth and detail.  I will also ask you to complete tasks at the end of each call.

The Study Group will begin in January and will meet on the second Monday of each month, at either Noon or 10:00 p.m. (eastern).  If you cannot make a call, don't worry...all calls will be recorded and you will have access to them.  You will never have to miss a call!

You will also have access to me.  If you ever have a question or problem that you would like coaching on, you will be able to get in touch with me via e-mail for a timely response.

The best part of the Study Group is the price - just $19.99 per month!

For more information, or to sign up, select here.



Things You Need To Do



As I mentioned above, your opportunity to book workshops and gatherings, as well as recruit new downline, is coming to a close for this calendar year.  Basically, once Thanksgiving rolls around, most people are not going to be receptive to conversations and commitments.  This is why many stamping business owners have weak Januarys.  

So, here are a couple of things you should make sure you do before Thanksgiving:

1. Book your January workshops - Get on the phone right now and call your customers and hostesses.  Try and fill up your January calendar as quickly as possible.

2. Close the deal with your potential recruits - If you have some prospects out there holding a recruiting package, make sure you try and get them to commit before Thanksgiving.  If you don't, you probably won't have another opportunity to speak with them until January.

3. Get your holiday promotions out - Once Thanksgiving passes, many people will have already begun their holiday gift shopping.  Remember, you're competing for the same dollars retail businesses are.  Take advantage of the fact that you have direct access to your customers through your mailing list.  Send out your holiday promotion before the retail store's advertising hits in the next week or so.



10% Off Holiday Catalog Now Online!

If you're looking for business-building gifts for your downline (or yourself!), check out the SIMB Holiday Catalog!

All orders over $25 receive 10% off!  

If you're an upline who would like to buy gifts for her entire downline, the discounts are even greater.  For more information, select here, or click the wreath on the right.  



Come See Me In Upstate New York!

On Saturday, December 3rd, I will be in Troy, NY presenting at the Swap and Success Seminar!


The event begins at 10:00 a.m. and will include my 'Five Steps to a Successful Home-based Stamping Business' presentation, AND a Convention-style swap!


For more information, or to register, select here.


I'm also very happy to report that I am booked solid through Convention 2006!


I am now taking bookings for live presentations in the second half of 2006 and 2007.  


For more information about my live presentations, including my newest one, "Get On The Phone!", select here, or send me an e-mail.



Sample of the Month

 Submitted by: 

 Barbara Greczkowski


 Sets: Gossamer Wings

 C/SElegant Eggplant, More 

  Mustard, Confetti Cream

 Ink & Marker: Yo-Yo Yellow, 

 Elegant Eggplant, Garden 


 Accessories:  Scallops 

 Scissors, Blender Pen,

 Sponges, Two-Way Glue 

 Pen, Dazzling Diamonds





Congratulations to Barbara, who wins a $10 SIMB Gift Certificate!  


WE NOW HAVE OVER 150 SAMPLES and are adding more and more to the Samples Section of our website every day.  I'm especially looking for Winter and Holiday samples!  


If you would like to submit a sample to be considered for Sample of the Month and the Samples Section, just send me a scan via e-mail, or mail your sample to: John Sanpietro, Stamping Is My Business!, 36 Fir Street, Jay, NY 12941.  


Please include your name, e-mail address, phone number and all materials used to make your sample.



Book of the Month

The Big Moo - 

Stop Trying to Be Perfect and Start Being Remarkable

by The Group of 33 and Seth Godin

How many of you are stuck in a rut?  It's a complaint I hear from my Coaching clients all the time.  

When most businesses are stuck in a rut, they just try to do better at the things they've always done.  Most of the time, it doesn't work.  The Big Moo contains 33 stories of companies that were stuck in a rut and pulled themselves out by doing something so new and original that it couldn't be ignored.

It's a fun book, and an inspiring, easy read.

Select here for more information from 

Stamping Business Q&A

How Can I Make Sure My Classes Are Profitable?


I am always amazed by the way many stamping business owners plan their classes.  Very often, they set the price for their class fee BEFORE they figure out their costs!  What happens then?  They end up losing money on the class.  Here's a formula you can use to figure out your class fee and be profitable:


1. Figure out how many hours it will take you to plan, prep and execute the class. (x)


2. Multiply the number of hours by how much you would like to be paid per hour. (x*y)


3. Add any costs associated with the class to that number. (x*y)+z


4. Divide that number by the number of people you think will be there.  That's how much your class fee will be!

(x*y)+z/h = class fee


(If there's a question you'd like answered, feel free to 

send me an e-mail)




Your live presentation inspired me more than Convention!

- RK, Rhode Island 


I've heard stories about other 'coaches' who call their client's downline to solicit them.  I've heard stories about other 'coaches' who encourage their clients to come to work for them.  YOU have given me, my downline and my colleagues dozens (if not hundreds) of reasons to stick with (our stamping company) and keep building our business!  You've shown us how to add outside the box thinking to our business model to generate even more revenue!  AND you've shown us, by word and deed, how to conduct a business with integrity and morality!  YOU are a fantastic Coach... and I would never put quotation marks around that title when I describe you!

- CT, Michigan




Quick Links...

Order the Electronic Version of "Stamping Is My Business!"

Order the Printed Version of "Stamping Is My Business!"

Order one of the SIMB Training CDs

Join the Stamping Business Coaching Group

Find out how to book John to speak live to YOUR group

Learn more about the SIMB Referral Program

Sign up for 1-on-1 Coaching

Sign up for an e-mail address

Order the "Stamping Is My Business!" Tote Bag

Stamping Is My Business! Homepage

E-mail Me


Past Newsletters

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To forward this newsletter to a downline, upline, colleague or friend, select here.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me.  

     voice: 518-647-2232

Address: 36 Fir Street, Jay, NY 12941
