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Stamping Is My Business!  


 The Stamping Professional's Source 

for Business-Building Information, Products & Services!

. . . . . . . . .

If you can't read this, select here.
Fun with Muppets and water at Sesame Place!

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Having a kid is great for a lot of reasons!

Here's one I didn't even think of until last week... you have a legitimate excuse to go to Sesame Place!

I'll admit it.  I LOVE Sesame Street!  The show started the same year I was born, and we've been together ever since.  So, the fact that the baby is into the show is awesome!

I couldn't have been more proud the day I said, "1... 2... 3!" and the baby laughed like The Count (ah, ah ah!)!

So, while many of you were at Convention, we took young John to Sesame Place.  The fact that it also happened to be old John's birthday was purely a coincidence. :-)

It is hard to tell who had more fun, though.

Hopefully, those of you who went to Convention enjoyed it, as well.  However, I would encourage you to look beyond the fun you had and find the $1500 Idea

The $1500 Idea is the thing you learned at Convention (that you didn't know before), which, when applied to your business, will make you an additional $1500 in profit, above and beyond what you would have made anyway.  That way, the money you spent on Convention is a profitable investment, rather than a large expense.

I hope you enjoy this month's newsletter.  Scroll down to find out how to win a complimentary Boot Camp membership with our new card contest.  And don't forget to check out the new Stamping Is My Business Blog!

Warmest regards,



John Sanpietro

Certified Professional Development Coach



In this issue


The NEW Stamping Is My Business Blog!


At the end of June, I began beta-testing the new SIMB Blog ( with a select group of stamping business owners.

After getting extensive feedback and making all of the adjustments and tweaks necessary, we rolled it out officially last week.

If you haven't seen it yet, go check it out.  Then, check back frequently because I post just about every day.

And, if you're looking for a way to promote your own blog, comments and trackbacks are always welcome and accepted

Scroll down to learn about the first BLOG CONTEST!  The winner receives a COMPLIMENTARY BOOT CAMP MEMBERSHIP!



Bad Idea of the Month:

Offering To Match Any Other Stamping Business Owner's Discount


I've seen this in a few different places this month.  Stamping Business Owners who are willing to meet any discount any other SBO is offering.

As you know, I'm not a big fan of discounting product in the first place.  Unless the discount is a company-sponsored one, the entire discount comes out of your pocket!  Who needs that!?

If one of your fellow stamping business owners wants to give up her profit and offer ridiculous discounts, why would you want to follow her down that road to unprofitability? 

In addition to contributing to the devaluation of the product (and, by association, you), you're simply following that other person into the hole she's digging for herself.

After all, if a fellow stamping business owner jumped off a bridge, would you follow her?  :-)



The Online Ordering Boot Camp -

Space Is Running Out

Because so many of you took advantage of the Early Bird Registration Discount for the Online Ordering Boot Camp, there's actually a pretty good chance we're going to have to close registration before the usual "day-of" deadline.


If you're interested in learning how to take full advantage of online ordering, maximize your profits and avoid the common... and not-so-common mistakes, I urge you to sign up ASAP!


For more information, or to register, use the link below:






Win A Complimentary

Boot Camp Membership!

Enter the "We've Moved!" Card Contest

While many of you were at Convention, in addition to visiting Sesame Place (see above), we also moved.  Apparently, little boys require a surprising amount of space! 


To celebrate the move, and to initiate the new blog, we're having a contest.  Whoever creates the best "We've Moved" or "Congratulations on Your New Home" card will win a complimentary Boot Camp membership!


For details and deadlines, visit The SIMB Blog.




Now Booking Late 2008 and 2009

Live Presentations!

Live Presentations by John Sanpietro"John is the BEST business speaker in our profession!"

       - Glenda Travelstead

The calendar is filling up!  We are now booking live presentation dates for this Fall and Winter, as well as the rest of 2009.

All SIMB presentations are designed to inform, motivate and inspire your downline or group to define their goals and build their business.  


Unlike many other speakers, however, SIMB presentations are designed exclusively for stamping professionals - not the entire direct sales industry.  John understands the unique challenges stamping business owners face, and is able to address them specifically.  


We also understand the financial difficulties stamping business owners face and have priced these presentations accordingly.


John will share concrete steps everyone can take to make their business a success - whether they just want a self-supporting hobby, or a full-fledged stamping business!


If you would like more information about booking John for an appearance in front of your group, send us an e-mail, or select here for more information. 


Stamping Business Q&A

Now That My Company Is Adding Online Ordering, Do I Still Need My Blog?

Believe it or not, online ordering means your blog is more important than ever!

We're going to go over this at length during the upcoming Online Ordering Boot Camp, but, basically, you need an interim step between your marketing and the online ordering site. 

That interim step is your blog, or, more specifically, special pages set up within your blog.

The good news is, if you do it right, online ordering should be very profitable for you.  So, the extra couple of dollars you continue to spend on your blog should be an expense you can turn a profit on.

(If there's a question you'd like answered, or a topic you'd like me to cover,  feel free to 

send me an e-mail)





Once again, during Convention, I received e-mails (and real-time text messages) from many of you recounting the repetition of quite a few of the ideas and concepts detailed in my books, CDs and Boot Camps.  As always, I appreciate your support.


I couldn't believe what I was hearing during the sessions!  Does (my company) pay you for your ideas?  If not, they should!

 - CC, New York


Convention this year was John Sanpietro 101.

 - MB, Texas


I don't understand why (my company) prefers to deliver your ideas second-hand and incomplete, rather than just have you come and speak directly to us. 

 - AS, New Jersey


I think (my company) has a plant in your client base!

 - DB, Idaho



Quick Links...

Order the Electronic Version of "Stamping Is My Business!"

Order the Printed Version of "Stamping Is My Business!"

Order one of the SIMB Training CDs

Join the Stamping Business Coaching Group

Find out how to book John to speak live to YOUR group

Learn more about the SIMB Referral Program

Sign up for 1-on-1 Coaching

Sign up for an e-mail address

Order the "Stamping Is My Business!" Tote Bag

Stamping Is My Business! Homepage

E-mail Me


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Companies I Use

People always ask me what companies I use to run my home-based business. The links below are all companies I work with and recommend:

Constant Contact --> Your Email Marketing Manager

Demo to Demo - Creative Tools to Help you Grow Your Stampin' Up! Business

Register Domains at 

GoToMyPC Free Trial + $10 Off

 Free Delivery on most orders $50.00 or more



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As always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact me.  

     voice: 518-647-2232

Address: 36 Fir Street, Jay, NY 12941
