Stamping Is My Business!   Stamping Is My Business April 2010 Newsletter


The Stamping Professional's Source

for Business-Building Information, Products, & Services!

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If you can't read this, select here.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It's April, and Spring is in the air!

For many of you, that means you're entering your fourth quarter... the home stretch!

Now is the time to take a look at your numbers for the year.  Are they where you want them to be?

Are you trying for the Incentive Trip or another award?  Are your numbers on track to achieve that?

It's important to know the answers to these questions now, because if it turns out your numbers aren't where they should be, there's still plenty of time to make adjustments!

If you wait much longer, though, it'll be a lot more difficult to make those corrections, and your chance for success greatly diminish.

As always, if I can be of any assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Enjoy this month's newsletter!

Warmest regards,

In this issue

The Four D's That Hold Your Business Back



I recently read a fantastic article in Newsweek magazine about the obstacles to successful dieting.  As I read the article, it occurred to me these are the same obstacles that often stand between you and a truly successful stamping business.


So, I've adapted the article to present to you:


The Four D's That Hold Your Business Back


1. DENIAL.  I see quite a bit of this in my Coaching.  People who don't think they're losing THAT much money, and are able to continue denying the numbers because they choose not to keep track of them.  They know, if they start to keep track and see what's REALLY happening, they'll have to make some tough decisions and difficult changes.  Rather than do that, they choose denial.

2. DELAYING. "I'm going to start making phone calls next week."  "I'm going to work more consistently soon, but it's not a good time right now."  "My other obligations keep me too busy right now, but maybe next month..."

3. DISCOURAGEMENT. The hard truth is that running your stamping business takes work and time. And the results aren't always immediate.  It can be very discouraging to put in the effort and not see the fruits of your labors right away.  From there, it's easy to tell yourself, "this isn't worth it."

4. DIFFICULTY. For many people, there are real obstacles out there.  Some of you DO have other jobs.  Many of you DO have other obligations that you can't easily dismiss.  Even under the best of circumstances, running a business isn't easy... and, for most of you, the "best" of circumstances isn't anywhere in sight.


So, what do you do to overcome the four D's?


1. Stop the denial.  A good businessperson knows their strengths AND their weaknesses.  With that knowledge, you can take steps to maximize one and minimize the other.  Be honest with yourself in order to move forward.


2. Start NOW!  Bottom line is... you'll always find reasons why now is a bad time.  The trick is to tell yourself why now is a GREAT time to get moving!


3. Accept the fact that the road is long and bumpy.  As I said, running a business is not easy, and the true rewards only come with a sustained, consistent effort.  If it was easy, everybody would run their own business.  Allow yourself to get annoyed once in a while, but don't let it stop you.  Persevere... and you WILL succeed!



         The 2010 Blogger's Boot Camp                Starts In One Week!



2010 Blogger's Boot Camp


I'm really excited about the upcoming Blogger's Boot Camp!  We're going to be covering LOTS of new stuff, including:


 - TypePad, Blogger AND (new) WordPress

 - content automation

 - Heather Wright-Porto (of Blogs By Heather) is going to

   do a presentation on 'Blog Designs That Work.' 


AND, of course, we're going to pack the usual, amazing amount of content into the Boot Camp to help you set up, maintain AND MONETIZE your TypePad, Blogger or WordPress blogs.


If you want your blog to be a revenue-generating vehicle for your stamping business, I strongly encourage you to take this Boot Camp.  You have to sign up by Tuesday, April 13th.

For more info, or to register, select here.



Should I Charge For Workshops?


Should I Charge For Workshops Video


For those of you who have been following me on my YouTube Channel or blog, you know I've been on a tear lately about making sure you get paid!


Well, this new video is all about getting paid!


A lot of stamping business owners are wondering whether or not they should charge for workshops, with the promise of returning the fee if a minimum product order is placed.


Is it a good idea?  Does it get you paid?  I try to answer those questions in the above video.




Quicken Tutorial DVD Now Available!



I'm happy to report that the Quicken Tutorial DVD - How To Establish A Financial Management System For Your Stamping Business is now available!

This 55-minute DVD will take you through the step-by-step process of setting up Quicken for your stamping business

The topics we cover include:

  • Installation, Set-up and Navigation
  • Income & Expense Categories You'll Need and How To Set Them Up
  • Entering Income and Expenses
  • How To Enter Your Numbers for Stamping-Specific Situations
  • The Reports You'll Need For Your Stamping Business and How To Run Them
  • How To Incorporate and Maintain This System
  • ...and more!

After watching this DVD, you'll know exactly what you need to do to get a handle on your numbers and run a more profitable business!

The DVD is just $29.99, plus shipping (far less than you would pay an accountant to do the same thing for you).

Use this link to order your Quicken Tutorial DVD.



Book of the Month


Influence: The Psychology of PersuasionInfluence: The Psychology of Persuasion

By Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D.


One of the most important books on any marketer's shelf, Influence talks about the different ways your words and actions can move you closer... or farther away from... a sale. 


Looking a persuasion as a science, rather than an art, Cialdini details the Six Principles of Ethical Persuasion, going into detail in each with examples and case studies.


Reading this book may well change the way you write, or even speak to your customers and prospects.  Very useful for those of you interested in being more successful discussing the business opportunity, as well!

Select here for more information from


Stamping Business Q&A


Can I Still Recruit In This Economy?




Not only should you continue to recruit, you should actually increase your recruiting efforts!


Believe it or not, a bad economy is actually good for recruiting.  Lots of people are concerned about their financial security, and your company's business opportunity may be just the thing they need to provide them with a little comfort.


Think about it... here's a chance for them to take a little control back over their financial futures.  Even if it's just a part-time gig and they make a just a few hundred dollars a month, that financial buffer could be all they need!


Honestly, there has never been a better time to discuss your business opportunity with everyone you know!

(If there's a question you'd like answered, or a topic you'd like me to cover,  feel free to send me an e-mail



"The resources and tools that the Business Stampers Coaching Group is giving me to take my business in the direction I want it to go is incredible!

In addition to the professional guidance John gives us, the support and positive attitude of the other members is awesome!

This is the best business-building and career-mined group I've belonged to in the 9 years of my stamping career!"

 - Glenda Trexler, NC


Follow Stamping Is My Business on Twitter!


Companies I Use

People always ask me what companies I use to run my home-based business. The links below are all companies I work with and recommend:

Constant Contact --> Your Email Marketing Manager

Demo to Demo - Creative Tools to Help you Grow Your Stampin' Up! Business


Register Domains at 

GoToMyPC Free Trial + $10 Off

 Free Delivery on most orders $50.00 or more



To help insure delivery, please remember to add to your address book or whitelist.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.  As always, please pass this newsletter on to anyone you feel might benefit from it, especially if they have an AOL address (since they're probably not receiving theirs!).

     voice: 518-647-2232

Address: 43 Fir Street, Jay, NY 12941
