Stamping Is My Business!   Stamping Is My Business Newsletter


 The Stamping Professional's Source 

for Business-Building Information, Products & Services!

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Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It's been a great couple of weeks here in upstate New York.  We finally got some snow (over two feet!) and the Winter Olympics kept everyone excited.

Living near Lake Placid, home of the 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympics, we take our games very seriously.

As you can see in the picture, John is currently trying out for the 2026 Olympic Curling team. We'll let you know how it goes.

Spring will be here before you know it, and that means your customers' schedules will start to get frantic again.  

Do what you can to book as many Spring workshops as possible NOW!  Get on their calendar before it starts to fill up with other obligations.

Finally, if you're looking at ways to add new revenue streams in your business this year, take a good look at the upcoming Digital Studio Profits Boot Camp.  There's a lot of money to be made there, and I'm going to give you the step-by-step for making it!

Warmest regards,


In this issue

Do You Have The Heart of an Olympian?

Over the weekend, I had a chance to meet and speak with Andrew Weibrecht. Andrew won the 2010 Winter Olympics Bronze Medal in the Men's Downhill.

It got me to thinking about the level of commitment and dedication it takes to be an Olympian.  
Andrew grew up in Lake Placid, and has been skiing since he was seven years old.  

His schedule is grueling.

If he isn't attending or traveling to a competition, he's training.  He spends several hours a day on a mountain or in a gym.  And the difference between success or failure is less time than it took me to type this sentence.

But his commitment to a goal propels him forward.  His dedication to being the best he can be gets him out there every day.

How about you?  Do you have a goal?  Are you committed and dedicated to that goal to the extent that it gets you moving each day?

If so, excellent!  If not, try to come up with a goal for your business that has enough meaning and importance to motivate you to work every day!



The Digital Studio Profits Boot Camp       Starts In One Week!


If you're trying to figure out how to create profitable revenue streams with your Digital Studio product - selling the product itself, as well as offering follow-up options to those customers - I would strongly encourage you to take the Digital Studio Profits Boot Camp, beginning March 9th. 

You only have a week left to sign up.

For more info, or to register, select here.



What An Auto Mechanic Can Teach You About Pricing


I heard a great story the other day:

A guy starts his car one morning and it doesn't sound right.  It's sputtering and he's afraid it might stall.

So, he drives it straight to the auto mechanic.

The auto mechanic opens the hood and looks inside.

He then grabs a paper towel, unscrews the cap to something, and wipes the inside of the cap off with the paper towel.

He starts the car up and it's now running fine.

The auto mechanic tells the driver, "That'll be $50."

The driver says, "That's a pretty expensive paper towel."

The auto mechanic says, "you're not paying me for the paper towel.  You're paying because I knew what to do with it."

Think about that story the next time you're pricing your classes.



No More BSCG Free Trials !


Beginning Monday, because of new FTC rules in the United States, we will no longer be able to offer free trials for the Business Stampers Coaching Group.  

On Monday, I'll be switching over to a low-cost paid trial before full Membership.

So, if you'd like to take advantage of the free trial, you have until Monday to sign up.

For more information, or to sign up for the BSCG, select here.



Book of the Month


The E-Myth Revisited:  Why Most Small Business Don't Work and What To Do About It

By Michael E. Gerber

Over the last week, several people have mentioned to me what a difference this book made in their lives.

For those of you not familiar with The E-Myth, "E" stands for Entrepreneurial, and the myth is the notion that knowing a product is the same as knowing a business.

Buying into the E-Myth is why so many good entrepreneurs... with really good ideas... still fail.

I read this book a long time ago.  And I re-read it periodically to remind myself of the good lessons contained within.  

If you haven't read it yet, this is one of those 'must-reads.'

Select here for more information from


Stamping Business Q&A


What Can I Do To Get My Husband To Support My Business?


Over the last ten years coaching stamping business owners, I've spoken with a lot of husbands about their wives' stamping businesses.


For the ones who aren't supportive, it almost always gets down to one thing - your actions speak louder than your words!


I can't tell you how many times a husband has said to me, "my wife says she wants to build a business, but all I see her doing is making swaps, spending time on forums chatting with other Demos and generally wasting time."


When a husband says that, it's hard to argue the point.  If you're talking the talk, but you're not walking the walk, you can't expect support.


Nobody will take your business more seriously than you do.  And if you don't take it very seriously... If you're wasting time on things that are not truly business-building... You can't be upset when the people around you don't treat it seriously, either.


Now, if you are treating it seriously, that STILL doesn't mean you're guaranteed support.  But here are a few tips to help you out:


1. Be consistent - show the same level of effort and intensity day in and day out (see the article to the left for more on that).


2. Share the business with your husband - let him know how much you'd like to make over the next twelve months, and ask him for some input on how that money can be spent.  If it's  a joint goal, rather than a singular one, you're more likely to get support.


3. Don't keep secrets - too many times, I see stamping business owners hiding the amount of money they spend on this from their spouse.  Think about the message that sends.  If you have to hide it, it can't be good.


There are, of course, some cases where you'll never get the level of support you desire.  But if you can't follow these tips every day, you really will maximize your chances.


(If there's a question you'd like answered, or a topic you'd like me to cover,  feel free to 

send me an e-mail)




John's coaching has been the key to my ability to empower recruits. His singular focus of profitability and step-by-step training has really turned my approach around.
-K.I., Georgia

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Companies I Use

People always ask me what companies I use to run my home-based business. The links below are all companies I work with and recommend:

Constant Contact --> Your Email Marketing Manager

Demo to Demo - Creative Tools to Help you Grow Your Stampin' Up! Business


Register Domains at 

GoToMyPC Free Trial + $10 Off

 Free Delivery on most orders $50.00 or more



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If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.  As always, please pass this newsletter on to anyone you feel might benefit from it, especially if they have an AOL address (since they're probably not receiving theirs!).

     voice: 518-647-2232

Address: 43 Fir Street, Jay, NY 12941
