Dear Friends,
So... You Purchased Your Copy Of MDS!!!
When My Digital Studio TM was launched, you were very excited to add digital scrapbooking to your stamping business. The thought of this additional revenue stream was very appealing.
Then... You Realized There Was A Little Problem...
Digital scrapbooking isn't really like traditional paper crafting. So, after you purchased the product, you were kind of stuck with what to do next. Why? Because...
Digital Scrapbooking Software Doesn't Fit the Traditional Stamping Business Model!
It's not really something you can create a workshop around, and, unless you have a lot of technical expertise (and equipment), it's not easy to conduct a digital scrapbooking class, either.
So... CAN You Make Money With Digital Scrapbooking?
Just because there haven't been a lot of people who HAVE made money yet doesn't mean it can't be done.
The Truth Is... Digital Scrapbooking Can Be MORE Profitable Than Traditional Paper Crafting AND You Can Make That Money In Less Time, As Well!
Because these products exist in what we call, 'The Digital Domain,' they're actually easier to market, sell AND profit from. In fact, a lot of the process can even be automated, creating what is essentially a Passive Revenue Stream for your business!
The Only Reason More Stamping Business Owners Aren't Making More Money With Digital Scrapbooking Is Because NOBODY HAS GIVEN THEM A STEP-BY-STEP BLUEPRINT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN...
Until now!
If you'd like to learn how to use digital scrapbooking to grow your stamping business and increase your profit, I'd like to invite you to participate in The Digital Studio Profits Boot Camp - How To Make More Money With Your Digital Studio Product!
Boot Camp will take place on four consecutive
Tuesdays, March 9th thru March 30th,
at 10:00 p.m. eastern (If you can't
make the live calls, don't worry. You'll
have access to the recordings thru June 1st!).
By the end of this Boot Camp, you'll have the information you need to turn the money and time you spent on your digital scrapbooking product into a lucrative investment... instead of a just another big expense.
So... is this Boot Camp for you? Look at the two boxes below and decide:
So, how much does this Boot Camp cost? The registration fee is normally just $59.99.
Is that a fair price for this information? Well, think about it this way... it's probably less than you paid for MDS, and a small investment compared to the profit you can generate if you utilize the strategies I'm going to teach you. In fact, if you get just one new customer, the Boot Camp pays for itself!
To register please use the link below.
Please note also... because of recent incidents of intellectual property infringement (basically, Demos taking what they've learned and attempting to sell the information to other Demos), we reserve the right to deny any Boot Camp registration. Also, please know that any such intellectual property violations will be dealt with to the fullest extent of governing law.
***GROUPS OF SIX OR MORE - Contact me before you register for information about Group Discounts.***
Warmest regards and I hope to see you on the calls,
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