Dear Friends,
Many of you have been asking for it, and I'm happy to announce that the next 2008 Blogger's Boot Camp will take place on four consecutive Tuesdays - October 7th thru 28th, at 10:00 p.m. eastern (if you can't make the live calls, don't worry. You'll have access to the recordings.)
A few years ago, blogging was something that a handful of stamping business owners did. Now, though, blogging has become standard operating procedure.
In fact, with the advent of online ordering, blogging is even more necessary than before. If you want to set yourself apart from your fellow stamping business owners, you must have a personal blogsite or website to do it. Otherwise, you're just one of the crowd.
My motto is - IF YOU'RE GOING TO BLOG, LEARN TO BLOG RIGHT! The 2008 Blogger's Boot Camp will teach you to do just that! We'll cover some of the basics, as well as many of the new features available to you since the last Blogger's Boot Camp. Also, now that some of the rules have changed, we'll cover the things you can now include on your blog that you couldn't before.
We'll also cover how to integrate your blog with your company's online ordering system for maximum results!
Among the topics:
The calls will take place on four consecutive Tuesdays, October 7th thru October 28th, at 10:00 p.m. eastern. In addition to the four weekly calls, Boot Camp members will also receive:
The regular cost of the Boot Camp is $59.99. Significantly less than comparable courses and hundreds of dollars less than it would cost if you hired someone else to set up your blog for you!
***GROUPS OF SIX OR MORE - Contact me before you register for information about Group Discounts.***
Warmest regards and I hope to see you on the calls,
Sanpietro Personal
and Professional Development Coach
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